Circle Upon Circle


I’ve always seen
First Position of a
ballerina’s arms circling
the space in front of her as
pure beauty and tenderness.

It looks as if she is claiming
that space of fifteen inches
in front of her as her own.

Turns out, science tells us,
that space is indeed hers.

Our hearts, they say, send out
electromagnetic waves for at
least three feet in front of us
which then circles back to us.

They call this our 
our heart’s electromagnetic waves
circling out into the world
and then back again to us.

Half a century before science made 
these discoveries, philosopher George Gurdjieff 
wrote and taught that the body 
radiated its own energy field.

He estimated that this energetic field 
extended a little over one meter 
(roughly three feet)
and encircles us.

He poetically called this field our 

He admonished his followers to take responsibility 
for maintaining the integrity of that energetic field,
their Atmosphere

He urged them to keep 
their Atmosphere steady
and to avoid getting swirled into
chaotic Atmospheres of others.

Martha Graham, Mother of Modern Dance, 
called that energetic essence

She told her dancers that each of them had a Vitality 
that was uniquely theirs to bring into the world.

She urged them to keep their 
one-of-a-kind energy 
clear, clean, and theirs 
and to express it in the world.

I love this.

We each have
our Atmosphere
our Vitality
our Torus
energetically expressing us 
as we dance in the world.

It seems that the ballerina,
with her arms gracefully
encircling her space,
is showing us how
sacred and vulnerable and beautiful 
our own energetic essence is.

May you encircle and protect your own 
*Vitality & Atmosphere*
May you dance it in the world.

Love, Sophia



For Reference:

The HeartMath Solution by Doc Children and Howard Martin

Martha: The Life and Work of Martha Graham by Anges De Mille

Gurdjieff: Mysticism, Contemplation & Exercises by Joseph Azize



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